First playoff game will be held on Sunday , September 17,2023 at Blackstone Golf Club in Marengo Il. First tee time at 9:30 am. All points will be rested by that time. 6 best scores will be used. The new standings will be coming soon. Please register asap to secure yours spot. We reserved 36 tee times.

Points after the reset;

Open – Joe Basiorka -5 , Stan Matyga -4 , Matt Placek -3, Irek Gierasimiuk -2 , Zyggie Tyrala -1. Rest of the field starts with even (0).

Handicap – Joe Basiorka -5 , Zyggie Tyrala -4, Anna Marek -3 , Adam Kieta -2 , Mariusz Kwiatkowski -1.

Seniors – Stan Matyga -5, Waldemar Czerpak -4 , Kris Placek -3, Marek Placek -2 , Casey Budz -1.

Polstar Tour-standing- play off 2023 (1)