We, the members of the PAGC, in order to be united and organized, promote friendship and camaraderie among ourselves, and with a common interest of participating and enjoying the game of golf, have formed this organization.
Section 2: The location of the office of the CLUB shall be at the residence of the incumbent President.
Section 3: The CLUB was founded in the later part of 2002 and began its first regular golf season in May 2003.
Section 1: The CLUB shall operate and exist as
nonprofit,social, sports organization.
Section 2: The principles of the CLUB which are enumerated hereunder shall be
adopted by the CLUB to form its main body of principles, thus:
b. To foster goodwill, understanding and mutual help and cooperation among all members and their families, as well as provide financial support to underprivileged individuals on a need basis.
c. To promote friendly and harmonious relations among the members of the CLUB.
d. To encourage conformance to the United States Golf Association (USGA) Rules of Golf and to the USGA Handicapping System.
Section 3: The CLUB has the following additional objectives:
b. To undertake projects which would be to the best interest of the CLUB members, their families and friends.
c. To conduct fund-raising activities, proceeds of which will be used solely to finance the projects of the CLUB.
d. To hold social functions as the members deem necessary.
Section 2: Each candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two active members in good standing. The proposal shall be acted upon, for approval, by the members of the CLUB in a regular meeting or a special meeting called upon by the president for this purpose. Approval is obtained by a majority vote of the members present provided the quorum specified in Article IV, Section 3, is met.
Section 3: Duties of All Members:
2) A member who left the Club at not cause shall pay a $25.00 readmission fee subject to the approval of the Membership Committee and the officers of the Club.
c. All members shall participate in regular golf tournaments, meetings, elections of officers, and functions.
Section 4: The following are the Rights and Privileges of members of the CLUB:
b. Vote and be voted upon in person in the election of officers of the CLUB.
c. Enjoy any other membership rights or privileges granted by the CLUB.
Section 5: A CLUB member will lose his regular member status:
b. Expulsion, or non-expulsion of a member shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the members through a secret ballot during a regular meeting, held sixty days after the fees are due, or in the case of member playing less than the 5-game minimum, at a period that the members have decided upon.
Section 6: Expelled members shall be notified in writing, as soon as possible,
that he is being expelled from the CLUB; the letter shall be signed by at least two
officers of the CLUB.
Section 1: Regular Meetings -This CLUB shall hold periodic meetings during the regular season (April to ARTICLE IV – MEETINGS, QUORUM, GOLF SEASON
October) preferable at the end of one of the tournaments. Schedule of meetings for the coming year shall be made available by the president to each member.
Section 2: Special Meetings – The CLUB’s officers, may hold special meetings as necessary, during the regular season or oft-season, to expedite pending business or to plan for future function or projects.
Section 3: Quorum – The presence of at least two (2) officers (including the president, or his designee) and ten (10) members, shall constitute a quorum for a regular of special meeting.
Section 4: The regular golf season is hereby established between April and October 31’st of any calendar year.
Section 1: Funds of this CLUB shall come from annual membership dues stipulated in Article III, Section 3 and proceeds from fund-raising projects) donations and other assessments or contributions.
Section 2: All funds of the CLUB shall be deposited with a local bank under the joint responsibility of the Treasurer and the President.
Section 3: Disbursement of funds shall be subject to the provisions of Article VIII, Section 1, and shall be accompanied by the corresponding voucher or receipt before payment, unless said disbursement has already been approved by a resolution of the general membership.
Section 1: For the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the CLUB, election of the president-elect or vice-president of the Club shall be held every 3 years, within sixty (60) days before or after the end of the regular golf season.
Section 2: At the start of his administrative year, the president shall appoint his officers (except the vice-president), namely: Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager, Press Relations Officer, and two (2) Sergeant at Arms/Marshals.
Section 3: The following Committees shall be formed by the President, with the chairpersons appointed in consultation with the appointed officers: Membership, SocIal, Rules, Constitution and By-Laws, Tournament and Handicap. No new Committees shall be formed unless approved by the general membership.
Section 4: The foregoing officers and chairpersons shall have a tenure of office of three fiscal years (calendar years). All officers shall be eligible for reappointment.
Section 5: Only a regular member of the CLUB, in good standing, shall be eligible for the President-Elect position.
Section 6: All regular members of the CLUB, in good standing, shall be eligible for other elective or appointive positions.
Section 7: All officers chairpersons and adviser of the CLUS shall serve without monetary compensation.
Section 8: The president shall appoint the starter of each scheduled golf tournament. The starters shalt assist in the collection of annual dues and other fees, as required, and to coordinate the pairing of players.
Section 1: The President shall be the Executive Officer and Head of the CLUB. He/She shall preside over all regular and special meetings; see to the execution/implementation of all resolutions approved in these meetings; appoint officers and committee chairpersons; administer the day to day activities of the CLUB; approve disbursement of funds not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each specific purpose, in the proper administration of funds as specifically authorized herein; call special meetings; sign all necessary organizational documents; represent the CLUB in all civic, cultural and social activities; and shall perform all duties and responsibilities that may be required by the general membership. He/She shall implement the provision of the Constitution and By-Laws of the CLUB and shall insure that all CLUB activities shall conform to all Federal, State and Local laws.
Section 2: The Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President in his absence: shall perform duties delegated to him/her by the President. In case of death, absence or incapacity of the President, he or she shall assume and discharge all the duties and functions of the President.
Section 3: The Secretary shall be custodian of all papers and documents belonging to the CLUB; co-sign with the President all membership certificates; record minutes of all meetings in the official CLUB minutes book and make reports thereof; provide the CLUB with copies of the minutes of meetings, if so requested; keep an up-to-date roster of members’ names, addresses and telephone numbers. Assist in sending of notices to members for meetings or other functions.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds of the CLUB; disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the general membership; act as co-signatory with the President in the CLUB’s checking account: collect dues and assessments; coordinate with the responsible officer or member in fund-raising projects.
Section 5: The Business Manager shall be responsible for all business of the CLUB that are not assigned under the Constitution to any elected officers and committees as specified by the President: assist all committees in planning and implementing projects. Upon direction or assistance from the president, arrange for reservations with golf courses where the CLUB will play in the coming year; assist in the purchase of trophies or other material needs of the CLUB.
Section 6: The Press Relations Officer shall be responsible for all publicity, posters, flyers and news releases of the CLUB to local papers.
Section 7: The Sergeant -at-Arms, or Marshals, shall be responsible for preparations and keeping order in the meeting place before, during and after the meeting and at all other affairs of the CLUB.
Committee Chairpersons:
Section 8: Membership – shall be responsible for investigating and acting upon all applications for membership to the Club and to recommend appropriate action at the officers meeting, regular, or general membership meeting.
Section 9: Rules – shall be responsible for putting together the rules of the club; he shall ensure that these rules are not in conflict with the provisions of these constitution and by-laws.
Section 10: Social – shall be responsible for encouraging and arranging social entertainment features and events for social occasions.
Section 11: Constitution and By-Laws – shall be responsible for revisions/amendments to these constitution and by-laws. He shall be responsible for presenting revisions to the constitution and by-laws to the general membership for approval.
Section 12: Tournament- shall be responsible for selecting and contracting with golf courses where the Club will hold its golf tournaments for the year. He shall be responsible for the conduct of each tournament. He shall be responsible for resolving any problems that may arise during each tournament. In addition, he shall be responsible to conduct intra-club and inter-club competitions.
Section 13: Handicap – shall serve as statistician for the Club. He shall be responsible for establishing a fair and proper system of handicaps in accordance with procedures set forth in the USGA Handicap System Manual.
Section 1: Except as provided in Article VI, election of the President-Elect shall be held at the membership meeting within sixty days before or after the end of the regular golf season (October of the current year) at which time the officers of the next fiscal year will start their term of office.
Section 2: Election shall be by secret ballot or viva voice.
Section 3: In case of a tie, the tie shall be resolved by drawing lots.